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What Is Albert Einstein's IQ?

By Samantha Davis
Psychology Writer
Published on July 27, 2024 | Updated on August 22, 2024

Image by Library of Congress, used under Public Domain / Incorporated into an illustration

Einstein Had an IQ of 160 According to Most Sources

Albert Einstein, known worldwide as a genius, is one of history's most famous theoretical physicists. He developed the theory of relativity, a key foundation in modern physics, and made significant contributions to quantum mechanics and cosmology. Born in Germany in 1879, his curiosity about the universe drove him to incredible scientific heights. His famous equation, E=mc^2, is a cornerstone in understanding energy and matter. With an estimated IQ level of 160, Einstein's legacy goes beyond academia, symbolizing ultimate intellectual achievement.

Einstein’s work in general relativity laid the foundation for understanding black holes. Many peers, including Einstein, initially resisted the idea of their existence, finding black holes too strange and unsettling despite the theoretical underpinnings being established as early as 1916. Einstein's reluctance to accept black holes marked a significant stance in his scientific journey.

In 1939, Einstein wrote a crucial letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, warning him about Nazi Germany's potential to develop nuclear weapons. This letter spurred the U.S. government to initiate research, leading to the Manhattan Project and changing the course of history with the development of atomic bombs.

Einstein's theories have stood the test of time. Recent studies using data from over 1,500 supernovae confirm his predictions about time dilation. Time slows down for objects moving at extremely high speeds, a prediction from his special theory of relativity, continuing to be validated by modern science.

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Despite significant contributions to science, Einstein grappled with the moral implications of his work. Involvement in the development of nuclear weapons brought him great remorse. He famously stated he would not have contributed to their creation if he had known the Germans would fail to develop them first. This inner conflict is explored in the docudrama "Einstein and the Bomb".

Einstein attributed much of his success to intense curiosity. He once said, "I have no special talents. I am only passionately curious," highlighting how a relentless quest for knowledge drove his discoveries. Curiosity, as he believed, is a trait everyone can cultivate to enhance understanding and creativity.

Albert Einstein's life and work remain a testament to the power of intellectual curiosity and perseverance. His theories and discoveries have not only shaped our understanding of the universe but also continue to inspire generations of scientists and thinkers.

Albert Einstein's IQ
profile picture of Albert Einstein
How We Know Albert Einstein's IQ Is 160
High Confidence

Average Confidence Level


We relied on findings by Biography, Reader's Digest, The Times of India and USA Today to estimate Albert Einstein's IQ.

160 IQ High Confidence Confidence Level: High
Reader's Digest
160 IQ High Confidence Confidence Level: High
The Times of India
160 IQ High Confidence Confidence Level: High
USA Today
160 IQ High Confidence Confidence Level: High

5 Facts That Show Albert Einstein's Genius IQ

  • Theory of Relativity: Albert Einstein revolutionized physics with his theory of relativity. His concepts of time and space challenged conventional views and reshaped our understanding of the universe. Lesser known, Einstein was also a talented violinist!
  • Nobel Prize Winner: In 1921, Einstein was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of the photoelectric effect. This achievement cemented his status as a leading mind in scientific research.
  • E=mc^2: Einstein’s equation, E=mc^2, became one of the most famous equations in the world. The equation illustrated the equivalence of mass and energy, a principle critical to nuclear physics.
  • Quantum Theory Contribution: Einstein made significant contributions to early quantum theory, particularly with his explanation of the photoelectric effect. The photoelectric effect played a crucial role in quantum mechanics' foundation.
  • Influential Papers: In 1905, known as his annus mirabilis, Einstein published four papers that changed the course of physics, covering photons, Brownian motion, the theory of relativity, and energy equivalence.
Image by QuotesEverlasting, used under CC BY 2.0 / Incorporated into an illustration
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How Does Albert Einstein's IQ Compare to Other People?

Albert Einstein is often presented as a symbol of intelligence, largely due to his groundbreaking contributions to science and his remarkable cognitive abilities. With an IQ of 160, he ranks among the elite, a range achieved by only 0.003% of the population – that's 1 in 33,333 people! This is the level of score that meets the entry thresholds for Mensa, Intertel, and the Triple Nine Society, all very exclusive high IQ clubs.

Image by Library of Congress, used under Public Domain / Incorporated into an illustration

Ranking Albert Einstein's IQ Among Scientists

Albert Einstein's IQ of 160 sets him among the giants of intellectual achievement. Yet, when you look at individuals like Terence Tao, with an IQ of 227, it's clear that intellectual brilliance spans a vast spectrum. Tao, a child prodigy, excelled in mathematics from a young age and contributed to areas Einstein never touched.

Similarly, Kim Ung-Yong commands attention with an IQ of 210, marking him as one of the smartest people alive. Ung-Yong's early mastery of multiple languages and physics showcases a mind at work in ways that differ from Einstein’s theoretical pursuits.

Meanwhile, J. Robert Oppenheimer rings in with an IQ of 145. This theoretical physicist played a pivotal role in developing the atomic bomb, straddling practical and theoretical physics realms.

Next let's talk about Edward Witten. His contributions to string theoryunderpinned by his IQ of 191, continue to influence modern physics. He explored dimensions Einstein theorized about.

Lastly, Leibniz’s IQ of 190 reminds us of the breadth of human intellect across centuries, his work laying foundations in both mathematics and computer science.

Illustration composed of multiple sources: images by huanjo under CC BY-SA 2.0, MasterClass on YouTube under YouTube, unknown author under CC BY-SA 4.0, Charles Thorpe and Steven Shapin under Public Domain, CliffMoore under Public Domain, Digitalisierungszentrum der Niedersächsischen Staats- under CC BY 4.0 / Incorporated into an illustration

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