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What Is John Nash's IQ?

By Samantha Davis, Psychology Writer
Published on September 03, 2024 | Updated on September 06, 2024

Image by Peter Badge, used under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Incorporated into an illustration

John Nash's IQ Is Estimated at 178

John Nash was a groundbreaking mathematician whose work profoundly influenced game theory, differential geometry, and the study of partial differential equations. Born on June 13, 1928, in Bluefield, West Virginia, he was recognized early on for his extraordinary intellect, with an estimated IQ of 178. His remarkable intelligence enabled him to develop theories that have had a lasting impact across multiple disciplines, earning him the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1994 for his pioneering analysis of equilibria in non-cooperative games.

John Nash's intellectual journey began at Princeton University, where his doctoral dissertation introduced the concept of the Nash equilibrium, a fundamental idea in game theory that describes situations where no player can improve their position by changing their strategy, given the strategies of others. This concept has become a cornerstone of modern economics, political science, and various other fields where strategic decision-making is key... such as poker!

Despite his academic success, John Nash's life was marked by significant personal challenges. In 1959, he was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia, a condition that profoundly affected his life and work for many years. His struggles with mental illness and his eventual recovery were famously portrayed in the Oscar-winning film A Beautiful Mind, which brought his story to a global audience.

Tragically, John Nash and his wife Alicia were killed in a car accident in 2015. Their deaths marked the end of a remarkable partnership and a life story that continues to inspire.

John Nash's legacy as a mathematical genius, Nobel laureate, and a figure of incredible resilience in the face of adversity remains influential and admired across the world.

John Nash's IQ
profile picture of John Nash
How Reliable Is John Nash's 178 IQ?
Low Confidence

Average Confidence Level


The estimate of John Nash's IQ was determined using two different sources: Shuru App and Geniuses.

180 IQ Low Confidence Confidence Level: Low
Shuru App
175 IQ Low Confidence Confidence Level: Low

5 Facts That Show John Nash's High IQ

  • Nobel Prize Winner: John Nash was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in 1994 for his landmark work in game theory. This theory revolutionized economics.
  • Breakthrough in Mathematics: Nash made significant contributions to partial differential equations and differential geometry. His work influenced the development of modern mathematics.
  • Estimated IQ of 178: John Nash's IQ was estimated to be 178. This level of intellect is superior and exceptional.
  • Inspired 'A Beautiful Mind': Nash's life and his battle with schizophrenia were depicted in the Oscar-winning film 'A Beautiful Mind.' This movie is a testament to his profound influence beyond academia.
  • Advanced Game Theory: His Nash Equilibrium concept provided a crucial theoretical framework for the analysis of competitive environments, altering the course of economic thought.
Image by Economicforum, used under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Incorporated into an illustration

John Nash's Score on the IQ Spectrum

John Nash had an IQ of 178, placing him among the rarest minds on Earth. To put this into perspective, only 1 in 10 million people have this kind of intellect. His score far exceeds the qualifications for high-IQ societies like Mensa, Intertel, the Triple Nine Society, and the Epimetheus Society.

Image by Peter Badge, used under CC BY-SA 3.0 / Incorporated into an illustration

John Nash vs. Other Scientists: Here's How They Compare

John Nash, with an IQ of 178, stands among some of the brightest minds in history.

However, others, like Terence Tao, rise even higher. Tao's IQ of 227 sets him apart, and both men have left a lasting mark on mathematics, though in different ways. While Nash revolutionized game theory, Tao has made breakthroughs in number theory and harmonic analysis, showing how one field can have many facets.

Similarly, Kim Ung-Yong, with an IQ of 210, set a world record by attending university as a young child. His unique path as a child prodigy turned physicist contrasts with Nash’s more traditional academic journey, though both reached incredible heights in their fields.

Shifting to physics, Oppenheimer, with an estimated IQ of 145, led the creation of the atomic bomb, forever changing the course of history. Unless you've been living under a rock and missed the 2023 movie about his life, you probably already know about his pivotal role in this world-altering event. The movie also touches on his complex relationship with Albert Einstein, whose IQ of 160 made him another towering figure in science. Einstein, who had advised Oppenheimer to turn his back on the country that betrayed him, couldn't understand why Oppenheimer, unlike him, refused to walk away due to his deep love for America.

Another giant in theoretical physics, Edward Witten, with an IQ of 191, changed the landscape of superstring theory, blending math and physics to explore the universe in new ways.

Finally, Leibniz, estimated to have an IQ of 190, independently developed calculus alongside Newton, a contribution that continues to shape mathematics and science today. Each of these minds demonstrates the diverse ways intellect can impact the world.

Illustration composed of multiple sources: images by Rosso Pomodoro Podcast under CC BY-NC-SA 2.0, MasterClass on YouTube under YouTube, unknown author under CC BY-SA 4.0, Charles Thorpe and Steven Shapin under Public Domain, CliffMoore under Public Domain, Digitalisierungszentrum der Niedersächsischen Staats- under CC BY 4.0 / Incorporated into an illustration

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