Celebrities IQ

Celebrities with High IQ Scores

By Dominica Applegate, BSc in Psychology & MA in Counseling
Published on July 31, 2024

smartest celebrities IQ
Have you ever wondered how some people seem to have a mind that works at lightning speed, solving complex problems with ease? IQ tests have long captivated our curiosity, offering a glimpse into the vast potential of human intelligence. Since their creation in the early 1900s by Alfred Binet in France, these tests have sparked endless debates and fascination.

The Evolution of IQ Scores Over the years, IQ scores have become a way to compare our mental abilities with those of others. One of the earliest major studies on IQ was conducted by Dr. Lewis M. Terman at Stanford University in the 1920s. He followed the lives of highly intelligent children, giving us a fascinating look into the long-term effects of having a high IQ. His work has helped shape our understanding of intelligence and its impact on our lives.

Intelligence is complex and challenging to measure, yet we remain fascinated by IQ tests that assign a numerical value to our brainpower. While there isn’t a single standardized IQ test, common types include the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale, the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, and the Peabody Individual Achievement Test. Generally, an average IQ is around 100, with scores above 130 considered high IQ, and scores above 140 considered genius level.

Despite their popularity, IQ tests are not without controversy. They’ve been criticized for inconsistencies in how they are used and interpreted, as well as for cultural, linguistic, and economic biases. For example, an IQ score doesn’t increase in a straight line; someone with an IQ of 145 isn’t 45% smarter than someone with an IQ of 100. Online IQ tests, which are everywhere now, also have their fair share of criticism.

High IQs in Various Fields People with high IQs can be found in all kinds of jobs. For example, Chris Langan, who has one of the highest IQs ever recorded, spent many years working as a bouncer. Despite his extraordinary intelligence, he chose a job far from academia, showing that high IQs can appear in unexpected places.

On the other hand, some high-IQ individuals, like Albert Einstein, revolutionized our understanding of the world with their groundbreaking theories in physics. Others, like Elon Musk, are constantly innovating to improve our daily lives, from electric cars to space travel.

Let's explore the IQ scores of famous personalities across different fields and see how their intelligence has shaped their careers and contributions to the world.

Influencers IQ

Contrary to the cliché that internet personalities are just famous for their antics, some influencers are also recognized for their high IQs. Among them is a very diverse group, including Scott Greer, Logan Paul, and Jordan Peterson. For example, Scott Greer created quite a stir on X when he self-proclaimed his IQ to be 187 – his X profile still shows it, along with his 6'2" height. Logan Paul also created a buzz when he proudly revealed his IQ to be 139 in an interview with WWE's Cathy Kelley. He was even more surprised when he found out Kelley had a 142 IQ and was a member of Mensa, a high IQ society. Finally, Jordan Peterson is probably one of the most popular clinical psychologists on social media. Given how easily he can grasp complex problems and dissect them in a simpler manner, his genius-level IQ of 147 is not a surprise.

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The Smartest Writers

Some of the greatest writers in history had exceptionally high IQs, proving that not only could they write circles around us, but they could probably solve a Rubik's Cube while doing it.

William Shakespeare, with an IQ of 210, is celebrated for his timeless plays and poems that still captivate audiences today. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, with an estimated IQ of 205, made significant contributions not just to literature, but also to science and philosophy.

Emanuel Swedenborg, with an IQ of 187, excelled in theology, philosophy, and science, showing that brilliant minds can thrive in multiple fields. Other notable writers with high IQs include Charles Dickens, known for his vivid characters and social critiques; Voltaire, famous for his wit and advocacy for freedom of speech; and Mark Twain, whose humor and keen observations of human nature have made his works enduring classics.

These literary giants show that intelligence and creativity often go hand in hand, enriching our world with their remarkable works.

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The Smartest Scientists

There are some brains out there that are so extraordinary that they redefine our understanding of the world. Among these brilliant people are Kim Ung-Yong, Terence Tao, Leibniz, and Edward Witten. Each of them left an indelible mark on their fields. Kim Ung-Yong amazed the world as a child prodigy, mastering multiple languages and complex math by age three. Terence Tao, with his astounding IQ of 227, revolutionized mathematics with his early genius and groundbreaking work. Leibniz, a 17th-century polymath, co-invented calculus and laid the foundation for modern computing. Edward Witten's pioneering research in string theory and quantum gravity continues to expand our understanding of the universe.

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The Smartest Public Figures

Chris Langan, with an IQ of 200, is often called the smartest man in America. Surprisingly, this self-taught genius once worked as a bouncer, proving that even the brightest minds can have humble beginnings. Marilyn vos Savant, with a Guinness World Record IQ of 228, became well-known through her "Ask Marilyn" column. William James Sidis, a child prodigy with an estimated IQ of 275, entered Harvard at 11 and mastered multiple languages by age six. Ken Jennings with an IQ of 173, is famous for his 74-game winning streak on "Jeopardy!".

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The Smartest Actors & Actresses in Hollywood

Hollywood is known for its glamor and fame, but making it as an actor is incredibly tough. According to a study of over 2.4 million performers, only about 2% of actors make a living from acting. Being successful in Hollywood means you have to be truly exceptional. So it's not too surprising that some of the most successful actors and actresses also have very high IQs. If you're a movie buff, you might remember the actor who played the pimp in the 1995 movie Casino. That was MIT-educated James Woods, who has an IQ of 181, making him one of the actors with the highest IQs. Despite his goofy character known as Mr. Bean, Rowan Atkinson is actually one of the smartest actors in the world, with an IQ of 178. And there are many more. As you'll find out in our section dedicated to actors with high IQs, famous names like Marilyn Monroe, Matt Damon, and Leonardo DiCaprio also boast impressive IQs. Their intelligence, combined with their acting talent, has helped them achieve remarkable success in their careers.

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The Smartest Musicians

While taking music lessons doesn't seem to increase intelligence based on some studies, many famous musicians are also known for their high IQ. For example, Brian May, the legendary guitarist of Queen, is one of the smartest musicians. With an IQ of 170, he not only created hits like "Bohemian Rhapsody" but also earned a Ph.D. in astrophysics. In addition, Lady Gaga, known for "Poker Face" and "Bad Romance," has an IQ of 166. Besides being a pop star, she's also an actress and will appear in the upcoming "Joker" sequel. Furthermore, Michael Jackson, the King of Pop, had an IQ of 159. His genius extended beyond music, with albums like "Thriller" and "Bad" leaving a lasting impact. When he was just eleven years old, he astonished audiences with his soulful performance of “Who’s Lovin’ You” on "The Ed Sullivan Show." Lastly, Cardi B, though her IQ of 170 is debated, rose from being a stripper to a Grammy-winning artist with songs like "Bodak Yellow" and "I Like It." She has also shown political awareness and intelligence, surprising those who underestimated her based on stereotypes.

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The Smartest Criminals

While we often think of criminals as driven by impulse or desperation, some have surprising intelligence. For example, Charles Manson, known for leading a murderous cult, had an IQ of 117, above average. Ted Kaczynski, the Unabomber, had an IQ of 167, using his smarts to create complex and deadly devices. Charlene Gallego, part of a serial killer duo, had an IQ of 160, showing how high intelligence can sometimes be used for evil purpose.

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The Smartest Chess Players

While many may see chess as just a game, some chess players have incredible intelligence. For example, Magnus Carlsen, the World Chess Champion, has an IQ of 190. His quick thinking and smart moves have kept him at the top of the chess world for years. Garry Kasparov, another great chess player, has an IQ of 155. Kasparov’s deep understanding of chess and his clever strategies have made him a legend in the game. Bobby Fischer, with an IQ of 180, changed the game with his unique style and amazing skills. Fischer's ideas and talent still inspire chess players today. These chess masters show that being very smart and thinking strategically may be key to success in chess.

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The Smartest Painters

Exploring the world of art, we find that some of the greatest painters also possessed remarkably high IQs. Here are some of the painters with the highest IQs and their extraordinary contributions to art. First, Vincent Van Gogh, with an IQ of 165, stands out as one of the most brilliant painters. Known for his vivid colors and emotional depth, his masterpieces like "Starry Night" and "Sunflowers" captivate audiences. Next, we have Leonardo da Vinci, with an IQ of 180. This Renaissance genius created timeless masterpieces such as the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper. Another famous painter with a particularly high estimated IQ of 175, is Pablo Picasso. Picasso co-founded the Cubist movement and left a lasting mark on modern art with works like "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" and "Guernica." Lastly, Salvador Dalí, with an IQ of 175, is renowned for his surreal and dreamlike images, such as "The Persistence of Memory." His influence reached into sculpture, filmmaking, photography, and fashion, making him a multifaceted artist of immense creativity.

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The Smartest Professional Athletes

Many sports legends are not only exceptional athletes but also possess remarkable intelligence. Let's dive into the world of some of the smartest athletes out there: First up, Lionel Messi, believed to have an IQ of 191. His sharp thinking, quick decisions, and incredible dribbling have won him numerous FIFA World Player of the Year awards. Next, we have Michael Jordan, with an IQ believed to be 154—genius level! Jordan's smarts and leadership helped the Chicago Bulls secure six NBA championships. In American football, Ryan Fitzpatrick, aka "FitzMagic," is another brilliant mind. A Harvard graduate with an IQ of 161, Fitzpatrick has played as a quarterback for many NFL teams, including the Tampa Bay Buccaneers and Miami Dolphins. These athletes prove that brains and brawn can go hand in hand!

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The Smartest Presidents & Politicians

Many presidents are not only exceptional leaders but also possess remarkable intelligence. Among the smartest presidents in the US, you'll find John Quincy Adams and JFK. John Quincy Adams, the sixth President of the United States, was known for his brilliant mind and diplomatic skills. He played a crucial role in shaping American foreign policy and was a strong advocate for education and scientific advancement. He was one of the presidents with the highest IQ. Similarly, we have John F. Kennedy, with an IQ of 155. Kennedy, the 35th President, used his intelligence and charisma to navigate the turbulent waters of the Cold War. His inspiring vision of progress led to significant achievements like the Space Race and the establishment of the Peace Corps.

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The Smartest Entrepreneurs

Success in business is not just about risk-taking and luck. Many successful entrepreneurs are also exceptionally intelligent, and their high IQs have undoubtedly played a crucial role in their groundbreaking achievements. Take Thomas Edison, for example, who had an IQ of 167. Edison's inventive genius gave us the light bulb and the phonograph, among countless other innovations, laying the foundation for modern electrical engineering and entertainment. Walter O’Brien, with an impressive IQ of 197, founded Scorpion Computer Services and inspired the TV show "Scorpion." His extraordinary problem-solving skills and technical expertise have driven numerous advancements in computer science and cybersecurity. Steve Jobs, with an IQ of 160, revolutionized technology and design as the co-founder of Apple. His visionary approach to product design and user experience transformed multiple industries, including personal computing, music, and telecommunications. Even young prodigy Mike Wimmer, with an IQ of 130, is already making significant strides in tech innovation. Despite his age, Wimmer's early achievements highlight the potential for future impact in the fields of artificial intelligence and robotics.

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The Smartest Filmmakers

While many see movies as simple entertainment, some of the most successful filmmakers in Hollywood also happen to possess remarkable brain power. For example, Quentin Tarantino, with an IQ of 160, is renowned for his sharp dialogue, non-linear storytelling, and genre-blending style. His ability to create complex characters and intricate plots, as seen in "Pulp Fiction" and "Inglourious Basterds," is proof of his extraordinary intellect – not to mention the numerous awards he's won. Additionally, Tarantino's films often feature some of the smartest actors in Hollywood. Similarly, Stanley Kubrick's legendary attention to detail and visionary approach make him a master of intellectual cinema. His films, like "2001: A Space Odyssey" and "The Shining," are known for their deep philosophical themes and meticulous craftsmanship. Kubrick's ability to extract profound performances from actors highlights his exceptional directorial intellect. He is often called a genius, even though his IQ score has not been officially released. David Lynch is another remarkable filmmaker. Some of his movies, such as "Mulholland Drive," are so deep and intellectually stimulating that they are very hard to understand on the first viewing. A master of surrealism, Lynch loves to make films that challenge conventional narratives and delve into the human psyche.

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